The push is on to have all bands learn the new massed band drum cadences by Georgetown. These new scores were created to make massed band performances more accessible to developing drummers and have been adopted by all North American pipe band associations as of autumn 2021.
To this end, we are offering three online workshops with expert instructors who will teach the scores to any and all who would like help.
Note that all pipers and drummers are welcome (members or not) from anywhere in the world!
Bass Wednesday May 18 2022 7:00 pm (EDT) Instructor: Reagan Jones
Tenor Tuesday May 24 2022 7:00 pm (EDT) Instructor: Jamie Alfred
Snare Thursday May 26 2022 7:30 pm (EDT) Instructor: Brian McCue
All drummers welcome, no matter the skill level!
You can also take advantage of videos of all snare, bass and tenor scores demonstrated here.
The actual scores can be found at the above link or here.
We’re all looking forward to it all coming together at Georgetown to start the season!