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Good Morning!

Thanks to the over 100 members of the PPBSO who Zoomed in to last Saturday’s annual general meeting of the PPBSO. I’ll take that as a sign of serious membership engagement meeting easy-to-use technology!

A call-out to outgoing President, Chris Buchanan and fellow Board members, Graeme Ogilvie and Terry Cleland. Without your commitment and good work the PPBSO would be less – if at all. Thank you.

Since the weekend I’ve been meeting with Board members individually to just “catch-up” and get a better understanding of the many perspectives that make up a diverse organization like ours. I’m happy to report that there is a common thread – well, more than a common thread – maybe a really hefty tie – of enthusiasm and passion for the music that binds us all.

The next Board meeting of the PPBSO is Saturday, February 13. I’ll quickly pass on any news that comes out of that meeting here. On that, I feel comfortable committing to you that these pages will be refreshed, if not transformed. For those interested, rest easy you’ll be on top of what’s up with the Society’s goings on by regularly landing here:

The pandemic continues but I’m thinking positive. I’ve no crystal ball – well not one that seems to work – but I’m seriously hopeful of some outdoor musical activity (of the loud and proud kind we specialize in) long before the year is out. Fingers crossed (unless you’re playing a tune!).

Until my feet are a little more wet (after the next Board meeting) I’ll sign off with the commitment to do the best I can to support the ongoing viability of the Society – especially in our difficult times. I know on that we’re all kindred spirits.

Much (much) more to soon follow.

Michael Grey


Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario


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