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“Great Beginnings” Teaching Symposium Coming This Fall

Save the date! Sunday October 4th will see the first Teaching Symposium to be run by the PPBSO in many years.

The event will focus on how to teach beginners, and is aimed at any PPBSO member who currently teaches beginners, or who wants to learn how to teach beginners.

We’ll cover everything from the time they walk into the door to the time they play in their first event or march in their first parade.

“Good playing depends on good teaching. The better our teachers’ skills, the better our students’ achievements will be, and the better Ontario will be positioned to remain a leader at the world level,” said Ellen Mole, Chair of the PPBSO Music Committee’s Teaching Subcommittee, which is planning the event.

The Symposium will feature presentations by a number of leading bagpipe, snare and midsection instructors, as well as lots of interaction and question-and-answer sessions.

Priced at only $20 for the day, including lunch and snacks, the event is affordable enough for multiple people from a single band to attend. “Often people get pressed into service as teachers in bands, even though they have little or no training for that role. We wanted to make this event accessible for those band members, so that they can teach with more confidence,” said Mole.

The Symposium is being held the day after the popular Fall Fusion event, and at the same location in Cambridge, Ontario. This will allow people who are already in town for the Fall Fusion Workshop and Ceilidh to gain an extra day of instruction for only

Early registration is recommended. See to register.

Event details can be found and will be kept up to date in the event listing at


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