Among the many roles that are vital to the smooth running of the competitions administered by The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society is that of contest steward. The PPBSO is currently in need of people interested in fulfilling the steward role.
While the judge assesses an event, the PPBSO steward has discretion for enforcing the rules for any solo contest (see rule B-1.4).
While stewards are needed for all our contests, the immediate need is for solo competition stewards, starting with Cambridge games, July 16, in addition to Maxville games, July 29-30.
Each steward receives an honourarium of $50, a complimentary pass for entrance to the games and has a front row seat to the day’s musical events. In this case the request is that stewards be on the field at 8:00 am and be prepared to administer competitions to mid-day.
Core responsibilities:
Be the central point for competitor “check-in”
Ensure competitors are aware of their playing order
Ensure competitors are aware of any unplanned changes to playing order
Facilitate changes in playing order due to individual timing conflicts (e.g. a competitor may be required to accompany a solo drumming competitor at the same time as their scheduled piping event)
Be a steadying presence for competitors!
Some level of highland dress is always encouraged as steward attire but this is entirely optional.
If you are interested (or know someone who might be interested!) please contact Glenn Covert, PPBSO Chief Steward or Sharon Duthart, PPBSO Administrator.
We need your help!
