Dear fellow PPBSO Members,
I understand that many of you may have seen recent reports or heard rumours regarding a legal claim made against our organization. I want to address these concerns directly. We have been presented with a legal proceeding by a suspended PPBSO member. On behalf of the board of directors of the PPBSO, I assure you that the allegations presented are entirely unfounded.
The Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario has always operated with the highest level of integrity. While the information circulating may seem concerning, we are fully confident that when all the facts are presented, the integrity of the board and the best interests of the membership will be self-evident.

From the outset, we have been actively working with our legal team to resolve this matter. I ask for your patience as we allow the legal process to run its course. Our priority remains to nurture piping and drumming in Ontario while supporting PPBSO membership. We will continue to update you as developments unfold.
In the meantime, please remember that our commitment to pipers and drummers in Ontario and the values of the PPBSO have not changed. Thank you for your continued trust and support as we navigate this challenge.
Andrew B. Giles
Pipers’ and Pipe Band Society of Ontario (PPBSO)