Chris Buchanan, long-time president of The Pipers' & Pipe Band Society of Ontario was awarded the PPBSO's Life Membership award at yesterday's Fergus Scottish Festival. The following is text from current president, Michael Grey's presentation to Chris at the games' closing ceremonies (photo: Michele Curtis):
It is my distinct pleasure and honour to today recognize a person who has given countless hours of his precious personal time to the service of pipers and drummers in Ontario.

For 5 years, Chris Buchanan served as president of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario and in this considerable stretch of time Chris’ leadership ensured the PPBSO succeeded in every area of our endeavour: our relationships with Highland games partners flourished, our annual heavy calendar of events was managed and delivered with great care and the routine heavy-lifting needed to ensure PPBSO operations was handled with sincerity and integrity - two great words and two real markers of leadership that Chris Buchanan embodies.
There’s another piece to Chris Buchanan’s “kit bag of services” - and that’s in the area of technology. You many know that Chris is an IT professional by trade and in his support and leadership of the PPBSO he has given freely of his skills and knowledge. In fact, I think it's safe to say - sorry, Chris - that he is the PPBSO’s de facto Chief Information Officer! His knowledge of new - and antique - coding technology has pretty much ensured the PPBSO has kept the lights on when it comes to our critical database management. Thanks to Chris Buchanan’s careful guidance the PPBSO is currently transitioning from old - very old - to new and stream-lined technology.
The always-quotable Winston Churchill once said, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. The PPBSO counts itself lucky to have been the recipient of so much of what Chris Buchanan has to give.
On behalf of members of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario it is my honour to present Chris Buchanan with our highest recognition, our “Life Membership” award!