Michael Grey, president of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario, revealed the newest trophy on offer to competitors on the PPBSO games circuit. At the Glengarry Highland Games, Maxville, July 30, “The Robert J Worrall Trophy for Professional Solo Piping – Light Music” was presented to Bob Worrall by Grey on behalf of trophy sponsors, McCallum Bagpipes of Kilmarnock, Scotland.
The overall season winner on the PPBSO’s summer games circuit in the professional event categories of march, strathspey and reel, and jig (or hornpipe and jig) events will receive the bespoke silver and gold mounted practice chanter. The trophy will be held by the season-winner for one year.
The PPBSO launched the new Championship Supreme trophy program in April of this year with “The William Livingstone Claret Jug for Professional Solo Piping – Piobaireachd”.
This year PPBSO Championship Supreme band and solo awards will be presented at the Society’s 75th anniversary ceilidh, Saturday, October 22, at the Royal Military College’s beautifully appointed Senior Staff Mess. The event features Canada’s famous Celtic band, Hadrian’s Wall and will include impromptu piping and drumming performances. More information here. Tickets can be purchased here.
There are many categories of Championship Supreme trophy sponsorship available for anyone looking to pay tribute or commemorate a person, organization or other recognition. More information here including currently available categories for sponsorship. All individuals, band and commercial enterprises are welcome to participate.
Membership in the PPBSO is not required to sponsor a trophy.

Bob Worrall receives the new Championship Supreme Trophy: The Robert J Worrall Trophy for Professional Light Music , presented by Michael Grey on behalf of sponsors, McCallum Bagpipes of Kilmarnock, Scotland

A close-up of the custom-made silver and gold trophy
The full text of Michael Grey’s trophy presentation:
This year The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society put out a call for trophy sponsors for our overall season winners – our Champions Supreme award recipients.
One trophy category called out the name of one person in particular. He’s no stranger to pipers and drummers anywhere in the world – he is one of our greatest ambassadors of the music, the voice of the BBC’s world pipe band championships broadcast and, as a by the way, a 7-time winner of the professional solo piping title here at Maxville.
On behalf of McCallum Bagpipes of Kilmarnock, Scotland I am happy to announce our newest trophy: “The Robert J Worrall Championship Supreme Award for Solo Professional Light Music” – a mounted silver and gold practice chanter. I invite Bob Worrall to accept this presentation …