The Toronto Branch of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario will be hosting the second round of their annual knock-out competition this coming Saturday, November 20, at 1:00 pm (EST). This event will be presented via Zoom with a full line-up of competitions. Andrew Carlisle of Pittsburgh is judging all events. He is also the featured recitalist!
On the same day, the branch will hold its Annual General Meeting. THE AGM IS SCHEDULED TO START AT 12:00 PM.
People competing in the Knockouts will automatically receive the meeting notice and Zoom link.
All others wishing to attend should send an email here.

A great opportunity awaits at the branch’s Saturday Knock-out – and AGM!
After ten years of dedicated leadership and support, branch President, Ellen Mole, has decided to step down. The role of President will be up for election. The role is central to the branch’s operation and is an opportunity for any member looking to help nurture piping and drumming in the Greater Toronto Area (and have fun with a dedicated group of like-minded people)!
Those interested are encouraged to drop a line here for more information!