A survey asking for feedback and input was distributed last week to members of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario. The 20-question survey follows on from the PPBSO’s late winter 2021 survey.
“Member feedback is an important way for us to gauge the health of the organization while mining for new ideas for plans and improvement”, said Michael Grey, PPBSO president. “In fact”, he added, “the successful summer 2021 ‘Up Yer Game’ series of online summer workshops came about, in part, from member survey feedback asking for more educational opportunities”.
Included in the survey are questions around member appetite for more Highland games in addition to input on what makes an appealing Highland games experience.
The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete and is open until October 14, 2022.
Members who have not received an email with a link to the survey and would like to participate should drop a line to our administrator; a survey link will be forwarded [after the Thanksgiving weekend].
A summary of results will be shared with members at the Annual General Meeting of the PPBSO on December 3, 2022.
The PPBSO survey will be open to members until October 14, 2022