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Summer Games Update

You may be aware that to now the games committees of the Glengarry Highland Games (I think better known to pipers and drummers as “Maxville”) and Kingsville games have opted to forgo 2021 events.

We learned today that the committee leading the Fergus Highland Games has also decided to not present games this summer. All these decisions would have been very difficult and carefully considered by all organizing groups.

I know this is a disappointment for everyone.

Some pause for optimism: Cobourg Games is taking a wait-and-see approach and considering a late-summer date. When we know you’ll know.

The silver lining in this – if I may be bold enough to suggest one – (and knowing full-well it’s cold comfort)  – is we have more time to plan, create and maybe even transform what we do today – and maybe, even how we do it.

In talking to people this past week I am getting a very good feeling that the sky’s the limit for our potential. People are pumped – even in a pandemic!

Again, the PPBSO Board of Director’s meet February 13.

More updates to follow as they occur.

I’ll do my best to up the good news factor next time.

Take care.

Michael Grey


Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario

PS. You may be heartened to know of big summer events happening. The Canmore Highland Games in Alberta are proceeding full steam – the 180 year old Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh is carrying on, too.


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