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You Can Make A Difference

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Every charity and non-profit organization today seems to need volunteers and it’s a challenging environment competing for resources. From increased operational costs to declining disposable income to rising inflation - organizations like The PPBSO are perennially operating on leaner budgets in an increasingly complex and uncertain environment. 

People are increasingly reassessing their priorities in light of these rapid changes and nonprofits are tasked with navigating a perfect storm of challenges that only add complexity to their mission-driven endeavours. In moments like this, all we can do is be as transparent as possible. Simply put: We need your help.

The PPBSO is looking for volunteers in any number of areas. If you can spare some time to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Even just a few hours can make a big difference.

Do you (younger folks) have experience managing social media accounts? Creating content and posts?  Managing an online community?  The PPBSO needs help - even if only for a few hours. It’ll look great on a Resume.

We currently manage a YouTube Channel, Facebook, Instagram, and “X” accounts. Maybe you could speak with potential PPBSO sponsors on our behalf?  Maybe writing and editing is more your thing? Taking photos? We have an online PPBSO newsletter that is sent out quarterly to over 1,000 recipients.

Maybe you know how to set up a wikipedia page? The PPBSO needs this set up as well!  Or maybe you’re a Wix-wizard or Database-demon and can help us update our PPBSO website?  

The PPBSO are a member-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to the development, preservation, and promotion of Highland Bagpipes, Scottish Drummers, and Pipe Bands across the Province of Ontario. We are really short on resources so if you can assist-  in any way - please let us know at Alba gu bràth.


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